
Tuesday, January 16, 2007



和 她相识那一年只有十三岁,也就是在预备班时认识的。在中学的六年的生涯中,只有两年我们是不同班,其他的时候,她就是坐在我身旁那一位。她原本有一头长 发,但有一次剪短后,就不曾留长过,因为当时她的偶像是邵美琪,当然她也不知道邵美琪终究还是没有和郑伊健在一起。她还喜欢张曼玉,邝美云和李克勤。

记 得有一次,坐在我们前面那位男同学以为我们在闹情绪,因为我们俩从开课直到放学都没有说过一句话。没有,我们没有吵架,只不过大家都想要有自己空间而已, 所以都不说话,然而彼此也不需要一言半字来解释大家的想法。直到有一天,初中五的那一年,她叫我摸她颈后是不是有一粒肿瘤,摸了后,我还安慰她说自己颈后 也有东西。很可悲的事实,那是一颗恶性肿瘤,也就是说她患上了淋巴癌。



在 上帝的安排下,本来该去探望她的那一天因为有事而挪后了一天,就这样子让我亲眼看见她在我眼前走了。在那一刻,我竟然没有感觉,一点感觉也没有,只是静静 的看着,静静的站在她身边。这是我人生中第一次面临的生离死别。。。。。。直到今天我依然认为这会是她唯一的解脱,我感觉不到她的痛楚,但我却深深的感受 的到痛苦,因为我亲眼看到她病发时的状况,她很痛,真的很痛,痛得只能咬着枕头角来撑着肉体的痛楚,好难过。她的下半身瘫痪的后,因为没有处理好而溃烂 了,护士说她身后有个大洞,大概有一寸深。。。。。。









Unknown said...

To Blue Whale,

Never thought of reading your mail with regards to Suet Fong (hope that I have not forgotten the spelling of her name)because it's been so long, until I myself have sometime forgotten about this friend of ours, who had left us behind when we were 18.

Tell me, what made you thoght of her in your mail. I sometime will think of her too but there was not much about it for we were not that close as compared to both of you.

But she was the one that inspired me to do whatever I wanna to do whilst I still can and to enjoy my life as much as possible because thinking of Suet Fong, she was so young when she left, not even started to know what life is all about, not done or tried lots of thing but yet she has to leave behind all those things before she herself knowing about it. It is a shame for me to having think of her leaving just like that. That is why since then, I have always said to myself and also all of my friends to do what you wanna to do now, i really mean it, never ever think that you still have tomorrow because life is full of uncertainty and you would never know what would happen next, would you.

That's why I quit my job 2 years ago, went to UK and travelled around. I am glad that I have done that and did spent my last 2 years working and travelling around.

Thanks to that 2 years experience and it made me know what I want in my life and I really miss those days when we were spending time together.

I totally understand what you mean by you cannot come back now but I really hope to see you in the very near future.

Blue Whale,

殺人的藍色鯨魚 said...


dun know why, may be i was lonely at that night!or this is memory,you dun know when it wanna to come and when it dissapear, when u wanna to forget,when u wanna to remember!

u r right! she also inspired me as well.i totally agreed what u said 'do what u wanna to do' .yes, do what u wanna to do and not what u should do.

life is so frail,so be urself,love urself.

p.s.unbelievable,we r friend for nearly 20 year!