
Tuesday, November 13, 2007


前阵子看了这部片- 夜.上海。故事是说一位失恋的出租车司机和一位迷路的顶尖化妆师。她失恋,其实她是在单恋着某人。他迷路,其实他是迷失自己。在上海的某个夜里,这两个人碰上了。就这样,两个人一起度过了她失恋的夜和他迷路的夜。失恋的她之所以失恋是因为她一直都只是在单恋。迷路的他之所以迷失是因为他过于依赖身边那一位,将所有的事都看成是理所当然,久而久之,成了习惯,也包括爱情。


那一夜的上海,有一部出租车在公路上不停的游荡,里面有两位各怀心事的人,却同样的孤寂与寂寞。与此同时,也播放着这首歌。这段旋律穿插在片头,片中,很能渲染气氛,听起来有淡淡的悲伤的感觉,也能表现夜的幽静,悠扬。与大众的观点一样, 整部片最牵动人心的只有这首歌。

Breathe By Frally

Softly did you sing to me outside my window in my dreams
When I woke I could hear your voice in me
One day we'll have the time to stop the time
And we'll plant 2000 dreams

When we are watching movie then I'll sleep
When we are swimming out to sea
There we go outside to listen canayon
But we know what it means to give
Coz really giving something
Is not wanting anything in return

The birds circle around you and ripples
Under riverbank you give your words to me
Sometimes it's into sun and it's into prose
And we know how it feels to breathe
So gather all your fortune around you know
It didn't take too long to figure out
You won't be needing any of it now

Will you

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